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The Horse Fly Headache: How to Deal with These Pesky Summer Invaders in Savannah

horse fly control in Savannah

Banish the Bite: Your Guide to Winning the Horse Fly Battle in Savannah This Summer

As the sun climbs high in the July sky, Savannah's summer brings not only warm, inviting days but also a surge of one of the most bothersome pests: horse flies. These relentless insects can turn a pleasant day outdoors into an itchy, irritating ordeal. At Yates-Astro Termite & Pest Control, we’re here to help you understand horse flies better and keep them at bay with horse fly control in Savannah, ensuring your summer remains enjoyable.


Understanding Horse Flies

Horse flies belong to the Tabanidae family and are infamous for their painful bites. Unlike mosquitoes, which use a needle-like proboscis to pierce the skin, horse flies have scissor-like mouthparts that cut the skin to feed on blood. This cutting action is what makes their bites particularly painful and prone to irritation.

Why Horse Flies Love Savannah

Savannah’s humid subtropical climate is a haven for horse flies. They thrive in warm temperatures and are often found near water sources, which are plentiful in our coastal region. Horse flies are most active during daylight hours, particularly in the hottest part of the day, making summer afternoons prime time for encounters.


The Impact of Horse Flies

  • Painful Bites: The primary concern with horse flies is their painful bites, which can cause swelling, itching, and even allergic reactions in some individuals.

  • Disease Transmission: Although not as common as mosquitoes, horse flies can transmit diseases like anthrax, tularemia, and equine infectious anemia.

  • Animal Disturbance: Horse flies can also be a significant nuisance to livestock and pets, leading to stress and potential injury from constant swatting and irritation.

5 Pro Tips to Protect Yourself and Your Home

  1. Wear Protective Clothing

  • Opt for light-colored, long-sleeved shirts and pants when spending time outdoors.

  • Horse flies are attracted to dark colors and movement, so minimizing exposed skin can reduce the likelihood of bites.

  1. Use Insect Repellents

  • Apply insect repellents that contain DEET, picaridin, or natural alternatives like oil of lemon eucalyptus to exposed skin.

  1. Create Physical Barriers

  • Install fine mesh screens on windows and doors to keep horse flies out of your home.

  • Consider using outdoor fans to create airflow that disrupts horse fly flight patterns around patios and outdoor seating areas.

  1. Remove Breeding Sites

  • Horse flies lay their eggs in moist environments, so eliminating standing water and maintaining dry conditions can help reduce their breeding grounds.

  1. Consult Professional Pest Control


The Role of Professional Pest Control

Dealing with horse flies can be challenging, especially in an environment as conducive to their breeding as Savannah. Yates-Astro Termite & Pest Control offers comprehensive pest management services to help safeguard your home and property from these annoying insects. Our experienced technicians can assess your specific situation and implement customized strategies to minimize horse fly populations.


Why Choose Yates-Astro

  1. Local Expertise: With decades of experience in Savannah, we understand the unique pest challenges our community faces.

  2. Customized Solutions: We tailor our pest control plans to meet the specific needs of your property, ensuring effective and long-lasting results.

  3. Environmentally Friendly: Our methods are designed to be safe for your family, pets, and the environment, while still effectively managing pests.


Ready to take back your summer? Contact Yates-Astro Today!

Don't let horse flies ruin your Savannah summer fun. Contact Yates-Astro Termite & Pest Control today for a consultation. Our team is ready to provide expert advice and effective solutions to keep your home and outdoor spaces horse fly-free. Enjoy a comfortable and pest-free summer with Yates-Astro!